Security Courses
- Advanced Cryptography, University of Wisconsin
- Computer and Network Security, University of Tennessee
- Computer Security and Cryptography, Idaho State University
- Computer Security, Data Communications, Modern Cryptology, and Network Security, Monash Univers
- Computer System Security I, Iowa State University
- Computer System Security II, Iowa State University
- Cryptographic Protocols and Analysis, New York University
- Cryptography (in Dutch), University of Amsterdam
- Cryptography and Computer Security, Princeton
- Cryptography and Computer Security, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
- Cryptography and Data Security, Purdue University
- Cryptography and Data Security, Worcester Polytechnic
- Cryptography and Internet Security, UMBC
- Cryptography and Secure Communications, Purdue University
- Cryptography, University of Illinois
- Cryptography, University of Kentucky
- Cryptology in Computing, University of New Mexico
- Cryptology, Eindhoven University of Technology in Eindhoven
- Cryptology, Oberlin University
- Cryptology, Odense University (Denmark)
- CS W4995-001 (Topics in Computer Science)_ Network Security at Columbia University
- Data Security and Cryptography, Oregon State University
- Data Security, University of Wisconsin
- Digital Security and its Implications, Brown University
- Information Security, George Mason
- Introduction to Cryptography, Clemson University
- Introduction to Cryptography, Duke University
- Introduction to Cryptography, Iowa State University
- Modern Cryptography, UC-Davis
- Network and Computer Security, MIT
- Network Security, Georgia Tech
- Penetration Analysis, Purdue University
- UMBC Cryptography Course